php and floating icons
October 1, 2024

Announcing the 2025 PHP Landscape Survey

State of PHP

Zend by Perforce is excited to announce that the 2025 PHP Landscape Survey is live – and we want to hear from you about your team’s PHP usage. 

This PHP questionnaire takes approximately 10 minutes to complete, covering topics such as migration planning, deployment strategies, compliance needs, and more. It will run until the end of the year, and all resulting data will be used to create the 2025 PHP Landscape Report and provide critical insights into the PHP ecosystem.

Tell Us About Your PHP Applications

Zend wants to hear how your team utilizes PHP in your mission-critical initiatives. Click the button below to get started.

Take the Survey

About the 2025 PHP Survey and Report

As a leading name in PHP, Zend is dedicated to supporting the overall PHP community. One way that we do so is through our annual PHP Landscape Survey and subsequent PHP Landscape Report. Each year, we gather responses from PHP teams around the world, and we use that information to forecast upcoming trends and patterns.

"Security is always a top concern for teams and organizations deploying PHP applications, and 2024 was no exception," says Matthew Weier O'Phinney, Senior Product Manager at Zend by Perforce. "In our 2025 iteration of the survey, alongside tracking the most used PHP tools and technologies, we will work to clarify the ways that teams are addressing those security concerns in 2025 – whether that’s through migration to supported PHP versions, taking advantage of long term support services, or outsourcing PHP monitoring and management.”

In 2024, Nearly 55% of PHP Survey Participants Were Using EOL Versions

PHP sets an aggressive release cycle, and as a result, many teams struggle to keep pace. Our 2024 PHP questionnaire found that approximately 55% of respondents were using end of life (EOL) PHP versions to run their applications. As EOL PHP no longer receives community support or security patches, it stands to reason that approximately 40% of participants ranked security as their team’s top priority, second only to developing new features.

A graph displaying the top priorities for PHP development teams in 2024
Source: 2024 PHP Landscape Report

Despite Using EOL PHP Versions, Users Remained Confident in Their Security

Despite the high number of participants currently using EOL PHP and ranking security as top of mind, our 2024 report found that nearly half of surveyed PHP teams, regardless of version, felt “Very Confident” in the overall security of their applications.

A chart displaying confidence in PHP security segmented by PHP version
Source: 2024 PHP Landscape Report

“User confidence in their application’s security, despite using unsupported PHP versions, speaks to the ongoing improvements in the language,” Weier O’Phinney states. “We are interested in continuing to track these improvements and other emerging patterns as we move into 2025."

2024 Brought Changes to the PHP Community Support Lifecycle

One large change for the 2025 PHP ecosystem is the recent extension of the community support lifecycle, with PHP versions now receiving an additional year of security support from the community.

"In general, we expect to see changes in habits surrounding migrations or upgrades as a result of this shift,” Weier O’Phinney explains. “The 2025 survey gives us the opportunity to track the impact that the expanded support timeline will have on the ecosystem, while also examining the usage of containerization and orchestration technologies, utilization of LTS or other support services, deployment trends, and more. With this data, we seek to create an accurate and comprehensive picture of the ever-evolving PHP landscape.”

Final Thoughts

The only constant in the PHP ecosystem is change, and keeping up with the evolving trends and innovations is a major challenge for PHP teams across the globe. Relevant and timely data allows teams like yours to make informed decisions that drive the success of your PHP applications and overall business.

That's where the 2025 PHP Landscape Survey and 2025 PHP Landscape Report come in. Help us build a full picture of the current ecosystem, and we'll help you make informed plans about your mission-critical PHP applications in the coming year.

Take the 2025 PHP Landscape Survey

Completing this PHP questionnaire only takes ten minutes, and your data will help us to build an accurate picture of the global ecosystem. Last year we surveyed 550+ PHP professionals – join in today!

Take the 2025 Survey   Read the 2024 PHP Report

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