BreadcrumbHomeResourcesBlog PHP 7.2: Features, Changes, and Key Dates July 16, 2020 PHP 7.2: Features, Changes, and Key DatesPHP DevelopmentState of PHPBy Matthew Weier O’PhinneyPHP 7.2 brought a number of incremental improvements to PHP, providing more consistency and predictability as well as a continued focus on security.In this article, we look at the details of PHP 7.2, including release date, EOL dates, features, improvements, deprecations, and performance changes.Editor's Note: PHP 7.2 is now EOL. Explore PHP LTS options here >>Table of ContentsWhat Is PHP 7.2?PHP 7.2 FeaturesPHP 7.2 PerformanceFinal ThoughtsAdditional ResourcesTable of Contents1 - What Is PHP 7.2?2 - PHP 7.2 Features3 - PHP 7.2 Performance4 - Final Thoughts5 - Additional ResourcesBack to topWhat Is PHP 7.2?PHP 7.2 was the second major release on the PHP 7 series and included a variety of new features and deprecations, as well as performance and security improvements.PHP 7.2 Release DateThe PHP 7.2 release date was on November 30, 2017.PHP 7.2 EOL DatesPHP 7.2 EOL occurred on November 30, 2020.As PHP 7.2 reached end of life several years ago, it is important to make a migration plan to up-to-date and currently supported versions. Check out our Migration Guide or explore our Migration Services to create your upgrade strategy.Back to topPHP 7.2 FeaturesThe features of PHP 7.2 can be lumped into several categories: syntax improvements and enhancements, security improvements, and deprecations.PHP 7.2: Syntax Improvements and EnhancementsThe first major PHP 7.2 enhancement is to the rules used to allow or disallow type widening or narrowing when overriding a method signature. In previous versions of PHP:You could not change type hints for method arguments, even if the new type hint allowed the original type (contravariance, or type widening).You could only add a return type hint if the original had not defined one (implying “mixed”; this is covariance, or type narrowing).With PHP 7.2, you can now change the type hint for an argument so long as a value honoring the original type hint is accepted, and change the return type hint so long as the value returned satisfies the original type hint. As an example:interface Animal { public function vocalize(string $sound); } class Canine implements Animal { public function vocalize($sound): string { } }In the above example, the overridden “vocalize” method will no longer raise PHP errors because: a “string” argument (as defined in the interface) passed to it is still accepted, and a “string” return value still satisfies the original return value (“mixed”, which includes “string”).Also of note: when an abstract class extends another abstract class, in PHP 7.2 they can now override abstract methods from the parent abstract class. This allows modifying the signature per the above rules, creating in effect two signatures, valid in different contexts.Speaking of methods and type hints, PHP 7.2 also introduces the object type. This type can be used to indicate an object of any type is accepted as an argument or will be returned from the method:function reflectAnObject(object $object): object { return $object instanceof Reflector ? $object : new ReflectionObject($object); } When your method has a lot of arguments, you may find yourself splitting them into multiple lines, one per line. A common practice when defining arrays is to have the last item include a trailing comma, which allows for simpler “diff” results when re-ordering items (as adding an item at the end only results in adding a line, versus adding a line and changing the line previous). However, prior to PHP 7.2, if you did this with an argument list — or interface list, or trait list, or grouped namespaces — this would result in a parser error. PHP 7.2 allows you to provide the trailing comma in each of these contexts.public function acceptManyValues( $value1, $value 2, $value3, // NOTE: trailing comma! ): void { }Finally, PHP 7.2 made a number of improvements to usage of the “count()” function. First, the ZipArchive class now implements the Countable interface, allowing you to call count() on it in order to determine the number of items it contains. Second, when passing a value that is scaler, null, or an object not implementing Countable, count() now raises a warning; previously, it did not, which could lead to unexpected results.PHP 7.2 SecurityPHP has been gaining a reputation for using cutting-edge security practices in recent years. The PHP 7.2 release continues this trend.First, the PHP 7.2 release bundles the libsodium cryptography library, making PHP the first language to do so. Libsodium provides high-speed, secure encryption, decryption, and signing algorithms; having it bundled in PHP allows the language to use these directly to support its cryptography solutions.Second, the PHP 7.2 release adds the Argon2 algorithm for password hashing, which is considered the state-of-the-art for such operations at the time of release.Third, PHP 7.2 officially dropped the mcrypt extension. The extension had been essentially abandoned years ago, and with new features such as libsodium, bcrypt, and others, obsolete.PHP 7.2 DeprecationsAs languages evolve, some features become obsolete, or better solutions arise; PHP is no different! In PHP 7.2, the following items were each deprecated:The _autoload() function is superseded by spl_autoload_register(), and will throw a deprecation notice if used.When raising a non-fatal error, PHP has always set a $php_errormsg value in the current scope. You should use error_get_last() to retrieve this value instead.parse_str() will now raise a deprecation error if called without its second argument (which provides a variable reference into which to store results).assert() with a string argument is now deprecated, as it can lead to a remote code execution vulnerability.gmp_random() is considered platform-dependent, and deprecated in favor of gmp_random_bits() and gmp_random_range().each() is now deprecated in favor of foreach() (which is 10 times faster).create_function() is deprecated due to a combination of poor performance and security issues; users should migrate to usage of closures instead.Back to topPHP 7.2 PerformanceAs has become common in the PHP 7 series, PHP 7.2 increases runtime performance. Baseline performance increases 11-12% over PHP 7.1. For Wordpress applications you will see around an 11% increase in the number of requests per second handled, Drupal users will see a 3% increase, and Magento users will see a 7% increase.Back to topFinal ThoughtsWant to learn more about the latest in PHP versions? Our on-demand webinar on PHP 7.4 looks at the latest features, performance improvements, and changes to PHP in this latest release.Keep Your PHP Supported Beyond the Community Support LifecycleAre you running an application on EOL PHP? Zend offers supported and secure PHP runtimes that can help keep your application compliant and safe. Learn more by clicking the button below.Explore Zend PHP Runtimes Talk to an ExpertBack to topAdditional ResourcesIf you want to learn more about the PHP 7.2 release, including the changelog, migration notes, and new features, or view performance benchmarks, these resources are a great place to start:PHP 7.2: ChangelogPHP 7.2: Migration Notes and New FeaturesPhoronix PHP BenchmarksKinsta PHP BenchmarksBack to top
Matthew Weier O’Phinney Principal Product Manager, Perforce OpenLogic and Zend Matthew began developing on Zend Framework (ZF) before its first public release, and led the project for Zend from 2009 through 2019. He is a founding member of the PHP Framework Interop Group (PHP-FIG), which creates and promotes standards for the PHP ecosystem — and is serving his second elected term on the PHP-FIG Core Committee.