BreadcrumbHomeResourcesBlog PHP Vs. Ruby Vs. Ruby On Rails For Modern Web Apps September 13, 2024 PHP vs. Ruby vs. Ruby on Rails for Modern Web AppsPHP DevelopmentBy Mike PavlakPHP and Ruby on Rails are two very powerful backend technologies that are often compared to one another. However, they are not applicable for the same use cases, and each will deliver varying results depending on your application.In this blog, I will explore PHP vs. Ruby on Rails - and more broadly, PHP vs. Ruby and framework vs. language in programming - and bring out the advantages and potential disadvantages of each.Table of ContentsWhat to Know Before Comparing PHP vs. Ruby on RailsPHP vs. Ruby: At-A-GlancePHP vs. Ruby and PHP vs. Ruby on Rails: OverviewPHP vs. Ruby: Key SimilaritiesPHP vs. Ruby: Key DifferencesPHP vs. Ruby: Best Use CasesFinal ThoughtsTable of Contents1 - What to Know Before Comparing PHP vs. Ruby on Rails2 - PHP vs. Ruby: At-A-Glance3 - PHP vs. Ruby and PHP vs. Ruby on Rails: Overview4 - PHP vs. Ruby: Key Similarities5 - PHP vs. Ruby: Key Differences6 - PHP vs. Ruby: Best Use Cases7 - Final ThoughtsBack to topWhat to Know Before Comparing PHP vs. Ruby on RailsA Note on "PHP Vs. Ruby"First, let’s understand that Ruby is a scripting language, and Rails is a framework written in Ruby. For that reason, we need to pivot. Therefore, we can't only compare PHP vs. Ruby on Rails, but PHP vs. Ruby. Throughout this blog, we will speak liberally about PHP vs. Ruby on Rails, but best to clear the air on this early on.What Is a Framework?A framework is a code library usually based upon a design pattern or methodology. In PHP, we have popular frameworks like Laravel, Symfony, and Laminas (formerly Zend Framework).Amazon states that a framework is "a collection of reusable software components that make it more efficient to develop new applications." While I agree that components are key ingredients, I think there is so much more to a good framework, such as an overall implementation methodology, community, and culture. If we just accept the default definition about components, one could argue that any collection of modules comprises a framework. I would challenge that idea, as I believe it is much more.Frameworks also represent a tremendous body of knowledge and experience based upon the people that architect and maintain them. Being able to leverage the collective experience of dozens, if not hundreds, of people's years of experience can truly bring about a significant productivity boost. However, that lift comes with a steep learning curve, one that is often unique to that framework. I find, though, that once you get a couple of frameworks under your belt, you should begin to see similarities that make transitioning to other frameworks easier.What Is a Programming Language?A programming language is a system of notation for writing computer programs. Frameworks are written in programming languages.I've written programs in many languages over the years. When comparing PHP vs. Ruby, the primary similarity is that they are both scripting languages, compiled at run time. This makes the comparison fairly even. When comparing PHP vs. Ruby on Rails, you are actually comparing a programming language vs. a framework.Should I Learn a Framework or Language?Developers should learn both frameworks and languages to stay competitive in the modern landscape.I am often asked whether programmers should learn a framework, and if so, which one. I would argue that it is almost impossible to work in any medium to enterprise shop and not run into a framework. I echo what I've learned over the years, which is to learn one language as well as possible, and then one framework as well as possible. Stick to something a little more popular so you are competitive in the job market. Once through that initial learning curve, transitioning becomes a lot easier.Improve Your PHP Skills With On-Demand or Instructor-Led TrainingWhether you're an experienced developer or new to the language, we have the instructor-led or online PHP courses you need to stay competitive.Explore Training OptionsBack to topPHP vs. Ruby: At-A-GlanceBoth PHP and Ruby deliver powerful results for web developers. When choosing between the two languages, take the time to consider your application requirements, your need for community support, and your developer skill sets.Feature PHP RubyType Serverside scripting language Web application language PurposeGeneral-purpose scripting, web application development Web application development Known For Being simple for beginners to learnBeing elegant and developer-friendlyPerformance Can vary; generally fast with proper optimization Generally fast; optimized for developer productivity Syntax C-like syntax; straightforward Ruby syntax; more elegant and expressive Community Large, mature community; lots of libraries Vibrant community; focus on conventions and gems Frameworks Various frameworks (e.g., Laravel, Symfony) Rails is the primary framework, Sinatra, Camping, Goliath and Hanami Built-in Features Basic built-in functions; needs frameworks for more features Rich built-in features for rapid development Database Integration PDO, MySQLi, various ORM libraries ActiveRecord ORM (integrated in Rails) Scalability Good scalability with proper architecture Rails can scale, but may require more effort Development Speed Varies; often slower without frameworks Fast, thanks to conventions and tools Testing Testing frameworks available (e.g., PHPUnit) Integrated testing framework (RSpec, Minitest) Hosting Widely supported across many hosting providers Often requires specific hosting setups (e.g., Heroku) Versioning Annual release cycle; many versions Annual release cycle with 2 stable version and one security only Flexibility Highly flexible; can be used in various ways More opinionated, follows Rails conventions Back to topPHP vs. Ruby and PHP vs. Ruby on Rails: OverviewWhile many try to compare PHP vs. Ruby on Rails, I'm taking a slightly different approach. I will focus initially on comparing PHP vs. Ruby, then wrap up with a summary surrounding PHP vs. Ruby on Rails, and cover how Rails has helped, and also hurt, the Ruby community.What Is PHP?PHP, which originally stood for Personal Home Page but now stands for PHP: Hypertext Processor, is a very popular and established scripting language. Well known for its easy learning curve and flexibility, PHP delivers server-side programming and has a robust and active community.First founded in 1994, PHP is used across a vast range of content management systems, web servers, and other environments. It can run on almost every platform, such as Linux, Microsoft Windows, and proprietary platforms like IBM i. Versatile and quickly adopted, PHP can be used by developers to write in procedural or object-oriented styles. An estimated 75% of the known web uses PHP to power mission-critical applications.What Is Ruby?Ruby is a scripting language created in 1995 by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto, who said he wanted to focus on simplicity, or be "natural in a way that mirrors life." The Ruby language is extended via a packing solution called Ruby Gems. While Ruby Gems are still being built, it is at a significantly slower pace than in the past. I have heard from many Ruby developers that Ruby is a "nice" language to work in because of it's simple intentions. I believe this gives Ruby an extremely loyal following.Like Python, Ruby variables are implemented as objects, as both Python and Ruby tend to follow the original Smalltalk approach that makes this the default standard, regardless of development in an object-oriented or procedural model. Ruby is enhanced via the "Ruby Association," and new features to the language are funded via a grant process.What Is Ruby on Rails?Rails is a framework written in Ruby. While it is certainly the most popular Ruby framework, there are others like Sinatra - which is good for web development - and Camping - which is great as a lightweight framework. Rails had a hand in a lot of startups back in the day, including Twitter. It is built in the very popular MVC design architecture and espoused by how easy it is to find components. Just about every framework today leverages a flavor of MVC. As indicated above, the Rails inventor intended the use of Rails to be brutally natural for developers, and many Rails developers respond positively to the look and feel of the framework as well as the language.Back to topPHP vs. Ruby: Key SimilaritiesWhen comparing PHP vs. Ruby, let's start with the key similarities between the options.Dynamic TypingBoth are scripting languages and dynamically typed. As of the time this blog was written, strict typing is optionally available in both, and it is hard to say which may "force" the issue first. Many developers claim debugging code is easier with strictly typed languages, but on the other hand, many developers find dynamically typed languages faster to prototype with. While strict typing is not the default just yet, it is available.Array SupportAnother similarity when comparing PHP vs. Ruby is that both have similar array support without having to delve into the "collections" classes of some languages like Java. This is, again, another advantage for quick development and powerful prototyping. Both support dynamic typing and disparate types inside a single array.MaturityAlong the lines of maturity, PHP and Ruby have introduced a JIT compiler, which once again proves that each technology solution tends to be a horse race as all options try to catch up with each other.Time to PrototypeWhile I mentioned this at the beginning of this blog, many like to attribute Ruby as being faster to prototype than PHP. However, I believe this is a dead heat until you introduce a framework, like Rails for Ruby or Laravel for PHP. Development speed for each is about even, as they both rely heavily on frameworks to amp up developer productivity.That being said, I still find PHP easier to introduce to entry-level resources, while Ruby tends to rely on Rails as a nice way to build an app with little to no development knowledge. Each has pros and cons and, for what it's worth, Laravel includes components that were inspired by Ruby.IDEs are widely available, and JetBrains has the sports car level IDE for both PHP and Ruby. The incredible advancements of VS code are a foot deep and a mile wide, and getting started in either language will provide a similar experience.Back to topPHP vs. Ruby: Key DifferencesDespite the many similarities, comparing PHP vs. Ruby does reveal a few key differences.Ruby, like Python, has a Global Interpreter Lock, which inhibits its ability to run concurrent instructions. While this is always a hotly debated point with interpreted languages, PHP has been addressing the need for thread safety for some time.Additionally, community is a major note when comparing PHP vs. Ruby. While both languages enjoy a very loyal base, PHP appears to still be much larger, more prolific, and provide more frequent updates and extensions. For example, illustrates the PHP community contributing packages at the rate of over 80 per day. Ruby, in contrast, contributes Ruby Gems at a rate of about 10 per day.Back to topPHP vs. Ruby: Best Use CasesThe application of each language matters a great deal as both are quite mature technologies. For fast prototyping, Ruby is still attractive, and the community around Ruby loves the aesthetics of the language. But many scoff at Ruby's ability, or lack hereof, to handle significant scale.For instance, compare the early days of Twitter (Ruby) to Facebook (PHP). Both applications have unbelievable scaling requirements, but when it came to serious load, Twitter often experienced well-documented issues. As a result, the Twitter world moved on to scale via Java. To be fair, Facebook moved onto a a "forked" version of PHP called Hack, but it is still running a great deal of PHP for specific tasks.Back to topFinal ThoughtsWhen considering PHP vs. Ruby or PHP vs. Ruby on Rails, I suggest that each have their applications, but I rarely hear of a developer or team leaving PHP because of scalability. So, for quick and single-purpose websites, Ruby or Ruby on Rails might make a lot of sense. As I tend support the enterprise space where one application is required to interact with a few dozen others, scalability is a top concern, and I think I'll stick to my PHP.Unlock Advanced Orchestration and Scalability With ZendPHP + ZendHQZendPHP provides fully-supported runtimes designed to keep your business-critical PHP applications performant, secure, and compliant. When paired with the ZendHQ extension, you access unparalleled observability tooling and versatile scalability options.Discover ZendPHP Explore ZendHQAdditional ResourcesOn-Demand Webinar - Developing Robust 12-Factor Web Applications: Best Practices and StrategiesBlog – PHP vs. JavaScript for Web Applications: Comparing Benefits and Use CasesBlog – PHP vs. PythonBlog – PHP vs. Node.js: What’s Best for Your Web App?Blog - How To Use PHP and ReactJS To Build Modern Web AppsBlog - PHP vs. Perl: Performance Comparison and Key FeaturesAdditional Ruby Information - Ruby ReleasesBack to top
Mike Pavlak Sr. Solutions Engineer, Zend by Perforce Mike has been working with IBM midrange solutions since 1992 and IBM Mainframes before that. Mike was instrumental in developing the adoption of PHP as a primary solution for web development on IBM i working with Zend Technologies. Today, as Senior Sales Engineer with Perforce, Mike helps companies around the world approach the challenges of modernization and open source technologies. In addition to several roles as a volunteer with COMMON the premier IBM midrange user group, Mike also teaches PHP & Python classes part time at Moraine Valley Community College in Suburban Chicago.