BreadcrumbHomeResourcesBlog PHP Security Best Practices: 6 Steps To More Secure Applications February 28, 2023 PHP Security Best Practices: 6 Steps to More Secure ApplicationsSecurityCompanies working with PHP are typically building or managing websites and web APIs. And, because websites and web applications are a common target for exploits, maintaining PHP application security throughout the app lifecycle is hugely important to preventing potential exploits.In this blog, we give our top PHP security best practices, including steps for securing PHP when developing new features or maintaining applications, why it’s important to document your existing infrastructure, and explain how to ensure PHP protection. We then walk through how to configure your infrastructure according to known PHP security best practices, how to create PHP protection through vulnerability patches, and discuss why it’s important to train your teams to recognize and prevent PHP application security risks. Editor's Note: The 2025 PHP Landscape Report is now available. Unpack the latest in security trends and discover new best practices PHP teams are using to mitigate known security issues.Table of ContentsPHP Security Best Practices: Ensuring PHP Protection During ProductionFrequently Asked PHP Application Security QuestionsFinal ThoughtsTable of Contents1 - PHP Security Best Practices: Ensuring PHP Protection During Production2 - Frequently Asked PHP Application Security Questions3 - Final ThoughtsBack to topPHP Security Best Practices: Ensuring PHP Protection During ProductionTo create the most secure PHP websites and applications possible — and safeguard you and your customers’ sensitive data — start with these PHP security best practices. However, remember that these PHP security best practices are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to securing PHP. Your team should be constantly evaluating emerging threats and your susceptibility to them.1. Always Code With Securing PHP in MindAs developers, we tend to use varying tools (e.g. SAST tools) that we don’t fully understand and are under the stress of making a deadline where functionality takes precedence. The problem with this is that we end up introducing security flaws to our applications instead of creating PHP protection.Frameworks and libraries have helped a lot with those concerns, and using the elements provided by those frameworks properly for securing PHP greatly reduces the risk of attacks.The obvious drawback is that frameworks themselves are sometimes vulnerable, and when a vulnerability is discovered in a framework, it affects the various applications written with it. It’s critical you know the tools you’re using and be aware of the OWASP top ten vulnerabilities and how to protect your applications against them. Some of the top concerns include:Broken authentication: Flawed implementation of authentication and session management functions.Cross-site scripting (XSS): Storage of untrusted data in a web application without sufficient validation.Broken access control: Failure to enforce restricted user access of specific data.CSRF: an attack that forces an end user to execute unwanted actions on a web application in which they're currently authenticatedThe OWASP site offers the full list of risks and recommendations for prevention.2. Understand and Document Your Existing InfrastructureWhile this PHP security best practice may seem like a no-brainer, one of the biggest PHP security risks for large companies is that they don’t know the full extent of their IT infrastructure – which makes it almost impossible to keep that IT infrastructure patched and secure. Without adequate mapping of their IT infrastructure, companies are likely deploying unpatched and/or end of life technologies (more on this in our fourth PHP security best practice).This makes it important for companies to have a fully documented and regularly maintained software bill of materials that lists any technologies they deploy as part of their IT infrastructure. Maintaining this list makes it easy to quickly identify the components used in your applications, see the version they are running, and determine if they are vulnerable to new CVEs, improving your PHP protection overall.3. Ensure Your PHP Infrastructure Is Properly ConfiguredWhatever patches and fixes you establish in your system for securing PHP, they won’t do much good if your infrastructure isn’t properly set up. Your infrastructure is likely made up of various tools, containers, load balancers, database servers, cache stores, and more. If they aren’t configured appropriately, if credentials are mismanaged, or if systems are not kept up to date, unauthorized users may gain access to restricted information and data exchanged between the networks could be compromised, leading to vulnerabilities in your PHP protection.Setting up your network also involves being aware of threats and setting firewalls and other protective measures to minimize the likelihood of them coming to fruition. Some of the risks involve:Unpatched security vulnerabilitiesLack of a comprehensive credential management strategyAbuse of user account privilegesLack of encryptionMaintain PHP Security With PHP LTS From Zend Zend PHP LTS includes SLA-backed patches and bug fixes for securing PHP versions after end of life. See what we offer by visiting our LTS solution page or learn more about PHP security via the buttons below.See Our PHP LTS Options Learn More About PHP Security4. Maintain PHP CodePHP is constantly being improved upon, and with each new version comes added PHP protection and improvements for securing PHP applications. For this reason, it’s in your best interest to update to the latest version of PHP for your PHP security. Using an older version means you’ll stop receiving support over time — typically after three years — and you won’t be able to apply critical security patches and bug fixes to your application. As mentioned earlier, code written within PHP is inherently vulnerable; there is always a door for a hacker with enough time, money, and resources to find their way in. This means your code must be as bulletproof as possible. With version updates come required changes to your code that add layers of protection and reduce the chance of an attack.For companies deploying or managing many PHP applications, this further stresses the importance of a regularly maintained software bill of materials. 5. Educate and Train All Employees in PHP Security Best PracticesWhile total prevention is impossible, understanding how your systems work and their vulnerabilities will allow you to not only mitigate them, but respond to any attacks that do occur before they become worse. Educate your team on common threats, as well as proper PHP development and deployment habits for securing PHP web applications — not just today, but in the long term. Keeping data secure should be an organization-wide effort. After all, it’s not just technical attacks that can occur; social engineering can take place in various forms as well. Social engineering involves manipulation on the part of an attacker to gain access to confidential and sensitive information. Hackers may contact an employee outside of your IT department, via phone or email, to request access to certain internal materials by impersonating someone else. Through formal security training, you can educate all members of your staff on the appropriate actions to take in such situations, improving your PHP protection and security.6. Ensure Your Teams Make Securing PHP a Top PriorityThis last PHP security best practice might be the trickiest. Development teams across the world are asked to balance both the creation of new features/applications, and the maintenance of their existing applications. And, nearly without exception, most teams aren’t staffed to do both adequately.Source: 2024 PHP Landscape ReportBased on the data we’ve seen in recent PHP Landscape Reports, most teams are prioritizing new feature development over PHP application security, which means that – from a leadership perspective – securing PHP apps starts and ends with making sure your teams have the time needed to address your PHP security objectives. Back to topFrequently Asked PHP Application Security QuestionsFrom a security standpoint, finding good information on securing PHP and PHP protection related questions can be hard. This section looks at a few of the more commonly asked questions for PHP security. For more information, visit our Guide to PHP Security.Is PHP Still Secure?Yes, PHP is still secure, or at least as secure as any other programming language. But, just like any other language, it requires programmers to write and engineer secure applications.Is PHP Good for Security?Yes, PHP is good for security, provided best practices are followed.To learn more about PHP security best practices and how to protect your mission-critical applications, visit our Guide to PHP Security.How Do I Protect a PHP File?The method required for protecting a PHP file varies depending on the location and function of the PHP file. For basic file system protection, most servers allow developers to set permissions on a file by file, or directory-wide basis.What Is SQL Injection in PHP?SQL injection in PHP is a common code injection technique used to disable, or place malicious code within an SQL database. Because PHP applications frequently use SQL queries to interact with databases, PHP applications are at risk of SQL injection unless proper security measures are taken.Is Python More Secure Than PHP?No, Python is not more secure than PHP, as no programming language is inherently secure. The argument for PHP vs. Python security, for example, largely boils down to language maturation. The bottom line is that application security is largely dependent on the code written for that application.Back to topFinal ThoughtsWhile this list is a good starting point for teams who want to learn more about PHP security best practices, it’s far from comprehensive. Ultimately, PHP application security is an ongoing effort, and one that requires time, buy-in, and continued prioritization within your organization. Without that, maintaining PHP application security will necessitate working with a third party.If your team needs help assessing the security of your PHP applications, Zend provides a security audit service that reviews your application for potential attack vectors, unpatched vulnerabilities, and then recommends steps to improve your overall PHP application security. Also be sure to check out our PHP LTS offering, which provides patches and bug fixes for EOL PHP versions.Security Solutions from the PHP ExpertsKeep your PHP applications secure and compliant with Zend products and professional services. We ensure that your applications follow PHP security best practices via PHP LTS, consultative guidance, and more.Explore Security Solutions Zend Professional ServicesAdditional Resources101 Guide - PHP SecurityResource - Zend PHP Security CenterSolution - Zend PHP Security and Consulting ServicesBlog - PHP Security and Compliance: Trends to Watch in 2024Blog - Everything You Need to Know About Maintaining PHP ComplianceBlog - PHP 7.4 EOL Is Here: Are Your Applications Secure?Blog - Using Containers to Improve PHP Application SecurityWhite Paper - The Costs of Building PHP In-HouseWhite Paper - Planning Your Next PHP MigrationEditors Note: This blog first appeared on 12/19/2019. It has been substantially updated with additional content as of 2/28/2023.Back to top