Noteworthy changes

  • Zend Framework 1 is updated to the latest version 1.12.10.
  • Zend Framework 2 is updated to the latest version 2.3.4.
  • EGit updated to version 3.5.3 with important security fixes:
  • Fixed problem with PHP Documentor always skipping the vendor folder
  • Several content assist improvements and bugfixes
  • Fixed problem with referenced variables marked as undefined
  • Fixed problem with inserting "use const/function" for PHP 5.6
  • Fixed problem with CA auto activation just for "-" character
  • Fixed hyperlinks for require/include in files from include path
  • New save action for PHP editor - "Format source code"
  • Fixed problem with incorrect handling of AJAX parallel requests when debugging (Zend Debugger)
  • Fixed problem with displaying static variables in debug views (Zend Debugger, XDebug)
  • Fixed problem with resource/thread leaks when performing debug sessions (Zend Debugger)
  • Fixed problem with corrupted, auto-generated URL's for 'PHP Web Application' launch configurations
  • Fixed problem causing $php_errormsg variable to appear in different debug views (Zend Debugger)
  • Fixed problem with opening additional/redundant tab with 'DEBUG SESSION ENDED' message (XDebug)
  • Added possibility to choose/change target server in launch configurations for PHP web applications

System Requirements

  • Supported Operating Systems:
    • Windows 7, Windows 8
    • Linux x86, Linux x86-64
    • OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, OS X 10.9 Mavericks, OS X 10.10 Yosemite
  • 1.5GHz processor
  • 2GB RAM
  • 1GB of hard disk space
  • Linux: Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 7 or 8.
  • OS X: Oracle Java Development Kit (JDK) 7 or 8.

PHP 5.6 Built-in executables

Mobile development requirements

Code Trace requirements

  • Flash Player must be installed in the operating system.

Known Issues

  • Java 7 or later is required. Due to the update of the Eclipse Platform to Eclipse 4, Zend Studio now requires Java 7 or later version. Users who still has only Java 6 installed must install a newer version of Java.

  • CordovaSim requires manual configuration of JRE (Mac OS X only). For some reason the Eclipse Platform on Mac OS X does not automatically configure the JRE that runs Studio. Users must manually configure it in the Java > Installed JREs preference page.

  • Reset Perspective may be required after installation of the Terminal plugin. This is required in case it does not appear in the Show In context menu.

  • During update of Studio a security warning about unsigned content may be shown. You can safely ignore this warning and proceed with the upgrade.

  • Z-Ray may not render correctly inside Zend Studio on Windows. A workaround can be applied in one of the following alternative ways:

    • Modify Zend Server configuration to include the "X-UA-Compatible: IE=edge" HTTP header in the response. If Zend Server is running on Apache HTTP Server then:
      • Add the following line in the httpd.conf file:

        Header add X-UA-Compatible "IE=edge"
      • Restart the Apache HTTP Server.

      • Reopen the web browser inside Zend Studio.

    • Modify the application to include "X-UA-Compatible: IE=edge" HTTP header in the response:
      • Add the following line in a suitable place in your PHP code:

        header("X-UA-Compatible: IE=edge");
      • Reopen the web browser inside Zend Studio.

    In Zend Server 8 and later Z-Ray will automatically add the "X-UA-Compatible: IE=edge" HTTP header in the response, so the above workaround will not be required.

  • Zend Debugger PHP extension is not available for PHP builds with Thread Safety enabled. You can find out the status of Thread Safety in your PHP:

    • in phpinfo() output
    • by checking the value of the predefined constant PHP_ZTS ("false" means Non Thread Safe, i.e. supported by Zend Debugger)

    If you use Thread-Safe PHP, consider Xdebug as the alternative.

  • Debug session is not started for both debugging an application and debug mode enabled against OpenShift target with zend-6.1 cartridge.

  • Zend Studio Crashes with Segmentation Fault in KDE 4.11 and newer, see

  • Zend Studio menus do not show or appear only partially in the menu bar of Ubuntu 13.10 and 14.04. The issue is caused by Ubuntu's bug See

  • Using Zend Studio's built-in PHP 5.5 binaries with Xdebug may be problematic on Windows and OS X.

  • To display class inheritance charts in the documentation generated by PHPDocumentor installation of Graphviz is required. Due to compatibility issues, please install 

    • Graphviz version 2.30.1 on Mountain Lion and newer
    • Graphviz version 2.28.0 on Windows and older OS X versions
